Venita, who lives by the philosophy of ‘less is more’ loves to play with colours and knows where her passion lies.
Beauty lies in simplicity and it’s scattered all around, says Venita Lall Vohra who has been engaged with art for over three decades. Venita, who lives by the philosophy of ‘less is more’ loves to play with colours and knows where her passion lies. Having grown up amid the tea plantations of Darjeeling, Venita finds her muse in nature. “I’m completely mesmerised by nature and most of my art work is inspired by it, the various elements that comprise it and the different shades it presents,” said Venita. While she presents details about some of her paintings from her upcoming show, it’s a feast of colors that she offers.
Her works are marked by a certain minimalism that tells a story through a narrative made up of vivid images. “For me painting is not only a way of expressing but also a conversation that I indulge in with my work, constantly trying to come up with a piece that lets my thoughts out onto the canvas. There is a constant dialogue for the viewer as well,” says Venita who is an interior and textile designer by profession. “I believe my work is quite subjective and allows the viewer to engage with art,” she added.
Various artists like Mark Rothko and art movements like Art Nouveau, De Stijl – Piet Mondrian, Suprematism – Kasimir Malevich, Bauhaus – Mies Van der Rohe have had a major impact on Venita as an artist. It’s the simplicity and the alliance with colours that influence her the most.
Venita was born in Calcutta and grew up in Darjeeling. “I consider myself blessed to have the sort of exposure I’ve had,” she remarks. Her passion for art was always there and she remembers being constantly aware of it. She would sit under a tree with a pencil as a child, drawing everything she could see.
Venita holds a Bachelor of Design, major in Interior Design from Raffles College of Design and Commerce, Sydney and a Diploma in Textile Design (Printing and Dyeing) from Sophia Polytechnic, Mumbai. This multi-cultural exposure has only helped her evolve. “Travel has always been an important part of my life too. I love to travel and take in the scenic beauty from everywhere possible. It helps me rejuvenate, ponder and create better,” added Venita while she narrated her favorite moments from Hong Kong, which she believes to be an extremely vibrant city.
“It’s overwhelming to observe the presence of so many colors around us in nature. Each color has its own meaning; its own element and its own way to affect your emotions.”
In her upcoming exhibition, she welcomes the audience to a riot of colors. A forest fire rages across one canvas and an ocean of blue spreads its calm across another, the latter symbolic of the flow of life. A ‘sinking treasure’ also awaits you, a visual delight, alongside a social message that echoes the woes of depleting water resources. Through her art works, Venita hopes to sensitize the next generation and create a desire among them to protect nature.
“We can’t always bring people to nature but hopefully through my paintings I can bring nature to the people, taking it to their homes and allowing them to feel closer to it,” said Venita, who has been experimenting all her life with various techniques, including using acrylics with dry brush, texturing, sponge painting, etc.
Venita has been in Bangalore for over 20 years now and is hosting her first show in the city under the name “Texturres. It’s the product of two years of hard work. “It is something I really wanted to do and hard work is the only way to go about achieving your passion,” she said, giving your artists a message as she takes her leave: “believe in what you do”.